Make a Curvy Vase

Beginner Level 3

workshop summary:

Additional information


12 +


$80 to $110 plus booking fees

Techniques taught

Pinch, Coil, Slip & Score, Slab

Clay options

White Low-fire, White Mid-fire

Experience Level

Beginner Level 3

This is step 3 of your pottery journey! Beginner Level 3 of clay hand-building.


workshop details:

Ceramics can be confusing! So we have grouped our beginner sessions into a simple streamlined journey, taking you through the basics of clay hand-building.

Within each level there are a few options, so you could attend hundreds of the same workshop and come up with a hundred completely different pieces!

That’s the beauty of pottery, we will teach the same techniques, but each and every one of you will come out with a very different masterpiece.

How to decide on your options:

Kiln-fired Clay Option $80 – Your piece will be fired, water proof, white and clear glazed. No painting / colour included.

Kiln-fired Clay & Paint Option $90 – Same as above but you get to stay an extra hour to paint it.

Two-part Kiln-Fired Clay & Fancy Glaze Option $110 – These glazes can only be applied after your piece gets fired, so we split the class into 2 workshops. You make it, leave, we fire it, you come back and paint it in a second workshop.


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